latest 20 messages by twisted`

+ [2015-11-17T15:00:09Z] twisted` suddenly I got a lot of builds done
+ [2015-11-17T15:00:04Z] twisted` that was it
+ [2015-11-17T14:45:49Z] twisted` any ideas?
+ [2015-11-17T14:45:48Z] twisted` hey, I just setup a new webhook on a repo for "Create Branch/Tag" and "Push" events. I created a new branch, nothing got triggered. I did a push, nothing got triggered. The webhook itself has this status: "This hook has never been triggered."
+ [2015-11-04T13:41:43Z] twisted` it just checks if the variable is set or not, the parser is something else ;)
+ [2015-11-04T13:40:43Z] twisted` bash then attempts to read the variable, which it breaks
+ [2015-11-04T13:40:32Z] twisted` yeah, found the problem though, I send it to a Jenkins system, and I use a bash script to process it, I test if the payload is available using if [ -n ]
+ [2015-11-04T13:09:29Z] twisted` might be a great way to test a parser, but it's the first time I see it pass by on my build system :p
+ [2015-11-04T13:09:08Z] twisted` hey, the ping request of a webhook sends along a "zen", which is a cute gimmick but atm it breaks my entire script that should parse it. "zen":"It's not fully shipped until it's fast." is what it sends. It breaks on the single quote, and afaik a single-quote never appears in any other payload.
+ [2015-09-09T14:32:38Z] twisted` ah it can fork with a number behind, never mind me
+ [2015-09-09T14:32:11Z] twisted` hey, I have a private repo that we use a lot, but it has the same name as a public project, I want to PR something to that project... what can I do?
+ [2014-12-10T14:44:14Z] twisted` you can do that on the same repo without the need for a fork
+ [2014-12-10T14:44:06Z] twisted` jsys: the same way you make a PR
+ [2014-12-10T13:29:36Z] twisted` Is there a way nowadays to make Github refuse a push to specific branches? I want to prevent accidental pushes to the master branch
+ [2014-12-10T13:29:09Z] twisted` jsys: sure, just go to the Compare page and pick two separate branches
+ [2014-02-15T17:16:59Z] twisted` both posts use the same format, only differ in category
+ [2014-02-15T17:16:21Z] twisted` where the date gets called